Folk Hero Films is casting for the feature film, Bentley’s Will, which is being produced and directed by Zachary Parks Grigg. The film focuses on a mother who is forced to confront a strained relationship with her son who has returned home from college.
LEAD ACTRESS: Age Range 45-65, Caucasian, Non-Union
WHEN: Roughly – September 4th-29th (20 Shooting days)
WHERE: Charlottesville, Va and surrounding area
Bentley is a woman well into her years whose most promising time of her life was stolen from her by a kid she never wanted and a quiet life she never dreamed of. She’s made incredible sacrifices for long enough and is ready to pick up her life where it was left off, 25 years ago. She’s bitter, quick, stone faced, funny, enjoys alcohol too much and is an artist at heart who’s turned cold after years in suburbia. She also had an episode of agoraphobia that lasted almost a year, a time when she stayed inside and shut down as a mother and person, causing the rift between her son to widen.
Please submit a headshot, place of residence, availability, a short bio with a list of past film work, and links to samples of acting work.
Please email all inquiries to [email protected]