The MA Producing Film, Television and Video graduate program in the School of Communication at American University is now taking applications for cohort 23 which will start classes on Saturday, September 9, 2017. The program, which began in 1995, focuses on the knowledge, tools and experiences required to be a successful producer of long form television, feature film, and all forms of video content. It is a very practical professional program that does not require any previous experience in the television, film or video industries. They are looking for students who have a passion to tell stories and can take the creative and management control of the storytelling process.
The Producing Film, Television and Video program consists of 10 courses taken over 20 months by going to class on Saturdays. Courses include: Writing for Visual Media; Developing Fiction Productions; Developing Nonfiction Productions; Communication Law; Production Planning and Management; Social Media for Producers; The Business of Television; International Markets for Film and Video; Media Enterprise; and the Capstone Seminar.
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