The Christian Broadcasting Network is looking to cast a 6-7-year old female ballet dancer for a short feature on holocaust survivor Anita Dittman. They plan to shoot at least two scenes — one which will be on the stage of a local theater, and one which will be in a Norfolk church. For the first scene on the stage, they will shoot various ballet movements (turns, relevés, spins), focusing primarily on the hands, feet, and profile — this will NOT be choreographed. For the second scene, they will shoot tight and wide walking/reflective shots. We plan to shoot on May 16th (afternoon hours), but may also require some shooting on May 15th (early afternoon hours). In total, the shoot should last between 5-6 hours.
Anita (6-7 year old, blonde ballet dancer)
Tuesday, May 16th and possibly May 15th
Please send your resume, headshot, and (if you have one) reel to Ashley Andrews, [email protected], if you have any interest or questions.