Have you ever heard someone’s voice in a commercial or an animated show and thought “Hey! I could do that!“–but had no idea how to get started?
In this information-packed four-hour workshop you will learn:
- What voiceover (VO) is
- The current state of the VO industry
- What you need to start your voice acting career
- Common VO rookie mistakes
- And much more…
From long-time Richmond voice actor Dale Leopold.
You will also have the opportunity to:
- Read and record actual VO copy
- Get professional feedback
- Receive an audio file of your recording session
- Possibly win a door prize!
The workshop is limited to 20 participants and is filling up quickly, so sign up now before all spaces are filled!
The cost of the workshop is $100.00.
For further details or to register, click here. You can also e-mail Dale at [email protected] if you have any further questions.