A Community Mental Health Agency is seeking talent for a testimonial commercial where real testimonials and experiences from clients will be portrayed. They’re looking for actors who can play “Real-life” people in a way that feels genuine and not commercialized. They are seeking the following roles
[Receptionist] 25-30, Female- Caucasian – Front desk receptionist, greeting visitors, warm, welcoming
[Parent #1 #2 ] 30-40, Male/Female, African American. A down-to-earth southern female with a soft heart. Kind, wise.
[Child #1 #2] 8-12, Male/Female, African American. Active, hyper behaviors
[Manager #1] 24-32, Male or Female, any ethnicity. An experienced therapist teaching counseling methods to supervisees during a training session using white board materials/video. Professional dress, Glasses, tie (for Men)
[Counselor #1& #2] 22-40, male, any ethnicity. Providing counseling at a home in Richmond
[Counselor #3- #5] 28-35, male/female – Learning, communicating with peers, taking notes
Pay is $50/day. If you are interested fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKHqp1kNlT9mTXINQDMFaUZHR5AYvEI9dW6qvcmiCA6Jpnrg/viewform?usp=pp_url
and send your headshot to [email protected]