SYNOPSIS: The first portion of a two-part short film– a young man holds out all night for a last chance to explain his shortcomings to an ex-partner before his departure to a new city the next morning.
TITLE: Right Now a Moment
TYPE: Super 16mm short film
UNION STATUS: Non-Union, Paid
FORMAT: 16mm Film
DIRECTOR: Maurice Vellas
PRODUCER: Hyekang Shin
DATES: October 21-23, 2016, (2-3 days of that weekend)
LOCATION: Richmond, Virginia
Principle Cast
Rahim – Male. 40s to early 50s. Middle Eastern ethnicity, fluent in Farsi language. The film’s main protagonist. He emigrated to the United States shortly before the precipitation of the Iranian Revolution and studied to obtain a Master’s in Physics. However, with few prospects for work in that field he turned to odd jobs until settling on driving taxis. He is stern, reserved, observant, and thoughtful. He has fallen into a steep depression after losing his 13 year old son to leukemia years earlier, and finds himself unprepared for and distant from his newborn daughter, Mahnaz. Communication with his wife steadily worsened since the birth of their children and has hit a low in the past few years.
Minah – Female. late 30s to 40s. Middle Eastern ethnicity, fluent in Farsi language. The wife of the Rahim. From a slightly wealthier family in Iran, she emigrated around the same time as Rahim and met him during her studies in the States. She is now a professor of World Literature and Persian Literature, but has taken maternity leave to care for her baby at the time of the film. Practical, and more expressive of her emotions than Rahim, she has often felt like she’s not being listened to in their relationship. Her child has given her new life, but she is still concerned with her husband’s attitude.
Arman – Male. Early 20s. Middle Eastern ethnicity. A young man who has recently had to take time away from school to earn more money. The son of an Armenian immigrant, Arman is American-born and culturally considers himself American. He frequently experiences depression and social anxiety both of which have been tied to his recent coming out as gay and his struggle to find an accepting and supportive community. He is not too certain about his future and sees his primary concern as finding supportive partners or friends. He currently sees Joseph, who is not out and still presents as straight. Their relationship often drains Arman, but he feels unable to let go of it.
Coworker at the convenience store where Arman works – Male or Female
Concert goers – Male and Female. 20s to 30s
OTHER: 1 Meal per 6 hours, Film Credit, Copy of Film
SUBMISSIONS DUE BY: September 27, 2016
SEND EMAIL TO: [email protected] (SUBJECT LINE should have: Casting_charactername(s)_lastnamefirstname)
Audition date will be September 30, 2016. Time and location will be given at time of submission.
Please send copies of headshot and resume if you have them, thank you!
SUBMISSIONS DUE BY: September 30, 2016
SEND EMAIL TO: [email protected] (SUBJECT LINE should have: Casting_charactername(s)_lastnamefirstname)
INCLUDE: Headshot, Resume, Link to Video of Line Read ( link or link)