Seeking background players for Sunday, July 25 in downtown Richmond.
Call will be at 6:15AM. Shoot will not last longer than 3 hours. Wardrobe is office friendly and/or casual.
Pay is $30 plus breakfast.
Also seeking background players for Tuesday, July 27th near 5501 Midlothian Turnpike in Richmond.
There are two shoots: neither will last longer than 3 hours on set. The call for both shoots, at present, is 6AM.
Pay is $30 plus breakfast.
One shoot calls for patrons at a coffee shop, the other shoot calls for airplane passengers walking through an airport concourse.
- Coffee shop patrons’ wardrobe will be casual day wear.
- Airport background can be casual. However, airport background players should be able to bring a piece of rolling luggage.
For the Tuesday, July 27 shoot we are also seeking 2 female background players to wear stewardess uniforms. Listed sizes of the uniforms are:
- 10-12
- 12-14
We will not receive the uniforms until Friday, July 23 so we are not sure the accuracy of the sizes.
Please submit to [email protected] and include which shoots you are interested in.