We are seeking audio/ video production and post-production services for our online assessment, the AAPPL (ACTFL’s Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Language). More specifically, we are looking for production and post-production services for the test material for the Speaking and Listening sections of the assessment. Demos of the AAPPL are available online, and Interpersonal Listening/ Speaking (ILS) and Interpretive Listening (IL) are the test sections where we would need audio and video production services.
The general scope of work will include filming video segments, recording audio, and post-production processing of the audio and video files, including closed captioning. The production will include test content for tests in the following 12 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL). We recruit speakers of these languages to be actors for the video portion and voiceovers for the listening section. We hope to start production mid-October and finish in November/ early December.
If interested, send materials to [email protected]